Monday, December 15, 2008

I've been tagged

A)The rules are posted at the beginning.
B) Each person answers questions about their sweethearts.
C) At the end of the post, the person then tags 6 people and posts their names; then goes to their blog and leaves them a comment, letting them know they have been tagged.

1.What is your husbands name? Albert Benjamin Angola
2.How long have you guys been married? 3 years 4 months
3.How long did you date? ooh that's a good one....well, we were good friends in the mission (nothing happened, just friends) After we wrote a lot, but in person we were together for 2 months before we got married.
4.How old is he? 25
5.Who is taller? Albert, but before I went to Bolivia I thought I was.
6.Who can sing best? neither, but it works to our advantage when we want to wake up Benji.
7.Who is smarter? UUUm I am....but he is pretty smart too
8.Who does laundry? I do. Albert tried once and used way to much bleach and ruined all of our white clothes
9.Who pays the bills? we both pay equally
10.Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? Depends on if I feel pregnancy nausea, I might try to sleep closer to the door
11.Who mows the lawn? Good thing we live in an apartment, but if we had a lawn. Albert would
12.Who cooks dinner? I do. Albert will cook once in a while but it is always some weird creation and Benji and I end up eating peanut butter and jelly
13.Who is the first to admit when they are wrong? we are both to prideful for that. we just stop talking until it passes
14.Who kissed who first? Albert kissed me in the airport not 5 minutes after I got to Bolivia
15.Who wears the pants? I let him wear the pants, but just because his butt looks so good.

I tag--Stephanie, Hailey, Lindsay and Teresa


Emily said...

Number 15 is pretty funny! Thanks for the good read Katina!

Laura said...

haha. i like the one where he cooks and you guys eat pb&j sandwiches. hahaha