I was debating on whether or not I should include him in my blogs about family member. Of course he is the cutest family member but I already blog about him so much already. But since he is so cute and entertaining I might as well.
Benji progressed like a normal baby and toddler, but we have come to find out he is quite accident prone on Thanksgiving day.
Thanksgiving 2006
We were all at the Church's Turkey bowl. I was playing football and left Benji with his very helpful Aunt Chasity. Next thing I know someone from my team threw a hard pass towards the end zone but over shot the receiver by allot and hit Benji right in the face with a football. Chasity was holding him when it happened and didn't even see the ball coming. Benji was so startled and hurt that it took him awhile to actually cry out loud. ( you know how some kids hold their breath before they let out the screams) I felt so bad.
Thanksgiving 2007
We made it through the Turkey bowl and Dinner, I thought we were going to make it through this holiday with no incidents. I thought wrong. Albert was sitting on the reclining computer desk chair when Benji wanted to crawl on his lap. He started to crawl up, when he started to scream. Albert tried to pick him up when he realized Benji had caught his toe in the reclining part of the chair. Benji was screaming, I was holding him trying to calm him down, Albert was trying to pry the chair off his toe, my mom was panicking, Rosie was calling 911 and Jessica and Chasity were praying. He was stuck for 10 minutes. Albert finally was able to pry the chair open. Just then the fireman arrive along with the ambulance. We looked at his toe. It was completely white and Squished. So we went to children's hospital in the ambulance ( we were all to frazzled to drive) At the hospital the doctor told us his toe was broken and he probably would walk for about a week, obviously he didn't know Benji. The next day he was not only running but kicking a soccer ball. He normally kicked the ball before with his right foot but since it was that toe that was hurt, he learned to kick with the left. Now he kicks with both....really well....so well I just know he is going to buy me a huge mansion when he becomes a soccer star.
Well, that's my story about my baby boy
Woww! Maybe all of that accident-prone energy will transform into some kind of super gift, like the ability to with stand large amounts of pain. He's a cutie pa-tootie.
He sounds like me and volleyball! I wonder what will happen this year! Just kidding, hopefully nothing! He sure is cute :)
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